It is pretty big, it spans over two floors! And it is made my smaller tiles (I tried to take a picture when I got closer)
A few days later I went to read the explanation of the work.
It is the outcome of a project in the course AAR 4570/4890 in Visual Communication.
One of the goals of the course was that the students had to physically work on the presentation of an idea, a concept or similar and develop an independent mindset connected with the originating process (studentene skal "arbeide fysisk med presentasjon av en idé, et konsept eller lignende og utvikle en selvstendig tankegang i sammenheng med skapende prosesser").
The project needed to have some social and contemporary relevance.
The students focused on the intoxication abuse to bring attentiont to a problem the society does not speak so much about.
The picture measures 6 x 5.5 meter and consits of 12 wool blankets. Their intent is that these 12 blankets will be donated to provide a warm resource to some of Trondheim's abuser in these cold winter days.
Not just an artwork, but an object produced as the outcome of a learning process and as a resource for other. A multipurpose object.
1 comment:
all'inizio mi parevano pizel e invece son cenci. non l'ho ancora visto lo vedro' quest'estate.
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